The actual Memorial Day is on May 30th, for fallen veterans of all wars who did not return home safely. This cap was placed by a family member at a nearby cemetery.
Here she is in her glory. In the day of old when the Buy Boats were plentiful along with the Skip Jacks, their presence meant long days on the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Work boats would come along side of these wonderful vessels to off load their bountiful catch of the day, then go back to harvesting again.
Like the Skip Jacks, the Buy Boat can be found in just a few places with numbers less than a dozen. Seeing one is a treat to be remembered for a life time.
Much to my surprise last week, there was another Buy boat anchored at the Crisfield County dock. I could not resist to get a shot of her before she steamed out into the Tangier Sound and off into the sunset.
I am an established folk artist, who enjoys tinkering with the digital camera, thanks to my wife, who is a professional photographer.
My subject matters in art lean towards coastal, and other water scenes, as well as Vietnam War folk art.
I was a USMC door gunner in Vietnam, 66-67, serving at Dong Ha and Marble Mountain.
I received the Purple Heart.